- Liturgical Art & Environment
This Task Force exists to effect the norms of the Church to produce a simple yet noble place to accommodate the specific rites of the public worship of the Church. This group is to assist in both the planning, development and maintenance of all requisite objects belonging to these celebrations of this parish in conformity with Archdiocesan guidelines.
- Music Ministry
To support sacred prayer, the liturgy of the Church requires trained cantors for the proclamation of God's Word and musicians and singers who assist the gathered people of God. The assembly of the faithful have the right and duty to participate fully, and actively engage themselves by joining in the sung praise and worship of God. The various choirs and leaders of song work to unify the faithful and aid in the creation of the liturgies of the church. Adult Choir meet every Wednesday @ 7:00 P.M. in the Choir room.
- Cantors
Cantors lead the Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation as well as other music, at Mass. They meet individually with the Director of Music to prepare. Interested persons may contact Morissa Sweeney, Music Minister at 937-592-1656.
- Lectors
Lectors are members of the faithful who are given temporary deputation by the pastor to proclaim the Word of God during the Liturgies of the Church. Contact Parish office at 937-592-1656.
- Ministers At the Altar (Altar Servers)
Children and adult servers assist the presider at all Masses. They assist the priest and are role models for the congregation. New Server Trainings are held throughout the year. Contact Parish office for scheduling and training times at 937-592-1656.
- Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers/Ministers to the Sick
Eucharistic Minister is a fully initiated Catholic who is ritually commissioned by the pastor to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion for a limited period of time (three years). Ministers assist distribution of the Eucharist at Mass. This ministry may also involve nursing home, hospital and home visitation for distribution of the Eucharist.
- Ministers of Hospitality (Greeters)
Ministers of Hospitality welcome parishioners and care for the welfare of the Assembly during the Weekend Masses. Greeters are scheduled about once a month for the Mass time of choice and need to be present at least twenty minutes before Mass begins.
- Ushers
Ushers assist with seating; attend to anyone needing assistance during Mass; supervises offertory procession, the flow of communicants, Mass counts, and distribute parish bulletins after Mass.